The wonders of nature: our garden play area 

We believe that nature is a powerful teacher and has a profound impact on a childs well-being and development that’s why we have created a garden play area where children can explore, learn and grow and discover the wonders of nature. Whether its digging in the soil, planting seeds or observing insects our garden offers endless opportunities for learning and creativity. Connecting with nature in this way has many benefits such as providing your child with a direct connection to the natural world, being surrounded by plants, flowers and trees can enable children to develop an appreciation for their world. Linking back to another of our teaching methods, gardens are a sensory wonderland for children, from the feel of the soil between their fingers to the scent of blooming flowers, a garden play area stimulates all of their senses. This area also offers ample chances for physical development, running, jumping, climbing, balancing etc. All of these will develop their gross motor skills and coordination as-well as supplying your children with a rich learning environment. By engaging in tasks such as: observing the life cycle of plants, engagement in problem-solving tasks, planning/organising the garden or learning about the different types of flora and fauna, the children’s curiosity, critical-thinking and cognitive growth will be stimulated. We believe that this can instill a love for the environment and a sense of responsibility for our planet. 

Happy African American father with son play guitar in the playground area together in the park

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